A surfer skate is 5 inch in length, typically sleek stretched oval in shape and aero dynamics, light in weight which effectively adhere the principles of buoyancy, a nifty product of fibre and the perfect Yamaha of wave mongering millions of steadfast surfers cross wired across the globe. Ocean surfing is one the most exciting, adventurous, skilful, dangerous aqua sport. It has boasted tourism in many countries like Australia, Brazil, Japan, USA .etc which has the most elite and perfect conditions for surfing.

During my vacation in Brazil with Dani I got an opportunity to visit one of the beautiful beaches in Sao Paulo State, Bertioga and Riviera. The overwhelming beach shore which extends about many kilometres, not deep, white sand, parties, crowd, restaurants, football and playground for bikinis around 24/7.
My encounter with surfing skate is accidental and unforgettable. We stayed in Dani’s relative’s house fully furnished with variety of sport accessories. Seeing the surfer skate an accidental wish sprouted and I decided to go for surfing, a sport which is not in my account to cherish. It was a pleasant evening, with skyrocketing hope I carried the skate board proud on my shoulder and marched. I gave an impression of a super surfer persona and I squared my shoulder. The beach was less than 5 minutes walk from the villa. I traipsed through the beach shore to find out a suitable location for surfing.
To my surprise the beach was deserted, no one neither swimming nor roaming. The water was dead cold with absolutely zero waves and chilling breeze sabotaged my daring wish. I sat lobotomised and took deep breath. The mission was abandoned and I walked through the shore, carrying the skate. Skate accompanied us to city centre, supermarket and some shops. Initially the skate was on my shoulder, later I started to drag by pulling its string on the ground. The people in the street gave me a bizarre look. I started to feel embarrassed and groan followed by growl; my folly has left me in extreme disaster, anguish, agony and fizzle. Finally after hours of despair carrying the skate board for about 3-4 kilometres I reached home and kept in the exact location from where I took it, with awestruck “respect”.
Certain wishes of human beings are cynical and out of the boundary limits. Ego, the driving flawless force pushes humans to the extreme limits and fizzle out those who are not prepared. My experience was funny, learning and self realization. But I am sure, I will break the limits with iron claws. Kudos surfing!!!
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