Sunday, January 31, 2010


“Fear not what is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed.” – Bhagavad Gita
“Why fear, when I am there” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

What is fear? Why do we fear?
Fear or phobia is a disease, a byproduct of over indulgence and unawareness. Every single creature in the universe is bound by certain phobias. Fear is an attribute which drive humans to pause for a second and revisit or verify their thoughts/acts. Fear is also a resistance or an excuse which forms a wall and prevents humans from exploring the unexplored intricacies of human self. It is an apparatus which separates divine and demonic acts. We fear because, we are responsible and fear the consequences of your acts. We fear God, because God cannot accept our acts which might directly or indirectly hurt another person and eventually we are punished. It is that fear which refrain us from committing a certain mistakes. When you don’t find the answers for your questions, we fear.

Those which have life are tagged with fear. When we have fear, anger as a catalyst, we transform to a wild carnivores whose claws are sharp, perching on a heap of Caracas and ready to charge at you. Humans are an intelligent and prudent creation of God, let’s unfold the truth that we humans are blind and are not transparent. We often forget the “real” potential that is bedridden deep down inside us. We need to polish our skills, love ourselves (having said that, don’t be selfish or ego centric), refrain from attachments and be a “Buddha”. Do the things which give us pleasure and bliss. If only we have happiness inside, we can share and spread the happiness around us. Happiness with the support of tantra can wipe out fear, but not completely per se.

We should not have fear for parents, teachers, elders, machines, objects or nations, but it should be the respect which we have to develop. Out of fear, we forget our uniqueness, transformations and objectives. We restrict ourselves from expressing the uncertainties. We never try because we fear, we are bound by certain level of security and comfortable and we don’t want to lose it. We fear losing, because we don’t believe in ourselves. Our potentials are hidden under the dark clouds waiting to be ejected.

Halleluiah, as derived from the root cause analysis, the essential element which route fear is lack of confidence and courage. Acquiring confidence is like attaining salvation which can be embraced by sheer awareness or Tantra (expansion through awareness). If you have the knowledge and an orientation towards taking risk, we can gain more confidence and lessen our fear. But during the process of risk taking humans can fail, but those failures are stepping stones for better objectives to pursue.

Boy, I see in myself a lot of fear inside. It is that element which prevents me from achieving certain expectations. FEAR (Finding Excuse And Resistance) a sole handiwork of mind.

1 comment:

  1. Good one...Just need to find the solution...and it lies within us...LOVE LOVE LOVE
