Easter is universally celebrated by the followers of the messiah of world peace and amity, Jesus Christ, "The son of the God or Son of Mother Virgin Mary" on the occasion of his resurrection. He devoted his life uplifting the value of humanity, spreading the message of true spirituality and corrupt bureaucracy which was deemed with superstitions. He was the last resort for the sufferers and those who are rejected in the society. He cured mentally and physically challenged with his gift of healing. He treated all genres of people in the society equally. Hence, his resurrection is celebrated with enthusiasm, passion and devotion across the globe.
This Easter was special and different for me. I celebrated with Dani’s family at Espirito Santo Do Pinhal with the presence of Dani’s grandparents, parents and siblings. Ironically Dani’s absence (She was in Sao Paulo) didn´t hindered and I was wholly involved in the fiesta. The entire family was very happy with my presence and they served me with the delicious Brazilian dishes.Mae (Dani’s mother) prepared mouth watering exquisite dishes and I could feel the taste of those on my tongue even after a day. After the lunch we basked under the sun in the twinkling harmonious lush green of grass, coffee, oranges, roses and eucalyptus in the backyard. Wi (William) plucked the oranges, Ju (Julio) did the ritual of peeling off the skins and we (grandmother, mae, victor and I) encouraged the ritual by eating, like cuddling of grass by cows. Later Mae drove Williams bicycle like a vibrant teenager around the casa (house) and it appeared to me that she lost 25 years. As always she is dynamic, calm, composed and smiling.

During the wee hours of evening, I went to play Futsal along with Ju, Vi, Wi, Bruno. Ale (Ju´s girlfriend) and her friend Jessica played the role of cheerleaders. The children’s and the fellow players were very excited to play with an Indian and they admire India as “land of Gods, elephants and paradise". I scored three stunning goals and exposed my dribbling skills which mesmerized the crowd. The kids taught me few Portuguese slangs and the experience left me with admiring memories. Later in the evening I went to the church with the family to attend a mass. The priest made a resonating speech and the choir enchanted the prayers with absolute hymn which echoed the massive hall. After the church, I went with Ju and Ale to eat hamburger from a famous street fast food shop. I concluded the day by picking up Dani from the bus station.
Like Jesus, I was able to deliver happiness to the “Felippe” family and the memories of this Easter (2010) will always be the most delicate and special.

Like Jesus, I was able to deliver happiness to the “Felippe” family and the memories of this Easter (2010) will always be the most delicate and special.

So sweet!